Saturday, February 04, 2006


--comes when you're close to celebrating your blog's 5th anniversary. I regret changing this blog's original name from to adik-manis. gee, the things one does in haste.

UPDATE: oh *sheepish grin* I managed to get now.
in any case -- i'm here at

Sunday, August 14, 2005

dead & gone

today marks the day of my blog death. four years of the nocturnal lily. stripped.

what do i do? who am i? am i conforming? i crave deep inside for an outlet. but i've made my profile too apparent that the people whom i wage slave for have found out, and now i cannot blog.

i feel stupid. why did i give in? having merely given the request to remove all related things to the wage master made me feel incomplete. i don't think anyone understands. my think deck was an extension of me.. all my entries with work related frustrations or pride are about who i am, what i am. no matter what people say that it shouldn't be, unfortunately, right now as i brood. it is.

what do i do? i'm so brain fucked right now.


Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Immune system to the dogs

I've been out of commission the last two weeks. First it was an acute gastric attack, then it was the flu. Now it's my miserable blog server and the guy who's hosting it has gone AWOL on me. So I've gotten myself a new server and I'm in the midst of moving whatever archived files I've got.

So if anyone's come back to my good old blogger site, keep ****** in your bookmarks for future references and gripes.

Besides fighting for my general health, I'm quite subdued in the work arena. More so tired and depressed from getting back to work. I guess I've also come to terms with these emotional mood swings as a hormonal problem (read: not PMS). Mal pointed out a poster on depression the other day when I went to the clinic. Might just see if the doc can help...

To be honest, I'm not that keen on being treated with drugs. I just wish there was some other way. But I guess I won't know till I've actually consulted the doc, rite?

Monday, May 17, 2004

Back for a swig

I couldn't resist coming back here. For old times sake. And since my present blog's server's offline. Blogger's got really funky new templates and stuff... So might as well.

Saturday, December 28, 2002

Fortunes told by cookies

i found a fortune cookie on the dining table earlier. mum brought it home from the wedding dinner dad & her went to tonite. i didn't resist breaking it open and while munching on the cookie, read the little computer printed paper-- "Life to you is a dashing and bold adventure" with little smiley faces at both ends. >_< bah... right now life is boring and i'm restless.

i'm driving Mal crazy. he's helping me alot with my new blog site. but i am persistently asking him to change the fonts, the colour, etc... for the header image. i'm just not a happy client. >_< hard to please. i'm really thankful that he's doing this, but i can't help it.

in the meantime, while driving Mal up the wall, i'm procastinating with my own work. Bong wrote me a long email on how i can improve on the two script outlines i've given him. and it looks like i've done quite badly - for my first attempt. >_< other than those two scripts i've to get done by Monday, i've also a 5-8 min script for the UTM corporate video, and Joanna's backgrounder for the 40 possible interviewees! gaah!! *mull*mull*

i sent Wendy in for her 5000km service today. woke up all lazy, dragged myself out of bed close to 3pm after Mal called me to tell me he doesn't have the car to help fetch me from Glenmarie. bleh. asked dad if he could take me home after sending the car to the service centre and i got a mumbled lecture... whart the?? i can never rely on anyone! i so hate how i can do things for people, but it can't be done for me... it's bad enough dad nearly didn't want me to buy the car. he can even go on about how i have boyfriends to drive me around and my brother takes his car, in a guilty manner.... then finally agreed to the idea i should get my own car! urrrgh!!! he's not so reliable himself! and believe it when i say i'm still left with those stigmas of his unreliability...

Thursday, December 26, 2002

Agitation's in the air

things at doxob's been agitating some of us moderators for a while. especially from one particular character. but i've decided to help Mal loosen up a bit and have a bit of fun in one of the threads. with the year's end, lots of things are coming up... y'know, best of 2002 sort of thing... tsk... and they've come up with a mr. doxob contest. so this is what i did...

yea, and i've become his campaign manager... eheheheheh... man, did he laugh when he saw this!

Stuffed me

it's damn humid!! O_o mebbe i should ask for snow, then i can start complaining it's damn ccccold! =P tsk tsk tsk...
got stuffed again at Lorraine's. her mum served us so much dessert - chocolate cake, custard, fruit salad, apple crumble, soya jelly, sponge cake, cookies... *burrp* and to think i've still got another dinner tonite...

James, Allen & gf - Felicia, Kenny & his bro - Kevin... were around for lunch @ Lorraine's. it was nice having the old bunch together. well, sort of. one of us - Shirrine is getting married late January. she's got herself an American bloke while studying in Louisiana. so she's having a reception here Jan 25th... its times like these, at this age, when we meet after a long period of time, we'd tend to talk about who's doing what, who's getting married and any kids...? bla bla bla... talk like this that just tells you age is catching up - and blardy fast, too! look! 2003 is next week! >_<

it's nice to have Fairul back. although, it's prolly just going to be for a month. he wants to go back to NZ and look for a job. he asked me my thoughts, and i told him it goes both ways -- if he was going back because of his gf Irma, then i hope he thought it out well, cos that isn't good enough a reason (IMHO). i told him about Jerome. after graduation, he stayed on in UK for his gf, and worked at a fish & chips shop for a whole year. he regretted the whole idea when he couldn't find a job and begin his career. it grew to resentment and he was bitter later when he broke up with his gf. the things people do for love... >_< anyhoos, that practicality aside, i told Fairul if he has a good job opportunity there, why not? it's a risk just as much as looking for a job here. but i am going to miss him when he goes back again...

we had our usual drive around town after mamak. only this time, we had Mal in the car and i was driving. it felt nice to have that feeling of letting it all out with someone you could really talk to and not get lectured or judged. even if this time i was just on the listening end. that's one of the things i missed about not having Fairul around. i guess some things can still be the same.

--and that includes my hair! >_< it's gone frizzz on it's own. like it's been set free from all the curls after one whole year. now it's short, puffed and extremely layered, and it kind of reminds me of high school days. blecch... i think i'll perm it again when it gets longer. it seems to stay that way. when i try straightening it, it just springs into waves. but it behaves as curls. hrrmm...

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Silent Christmas

quiet Christmas... with potato salad, a skinny Malaysian turkey and more! >_< i think i'm even more stuffed than that turkey! i opened my pressies after Mass last night. Sharon got me a nice lamp from Ikea. while Mal got me Jostein Gaarder's Christmas Mystery. i've already read up to Dec 14th of the book... n_n

Julia's last nite was nice. her dogs, Sweetie & Ebony were quite the hosts, and no doubt Athena - her Scottish Fold cat - was a darling. the food fare was yummy - especially the crispy wan tans, and i had my first turkey with cranberry sauce. although i think i still prefer it with gravy, like dad makes it. n_n not much boozing save for the rum in the punch. but i guess it's saving up space for New Year's eve. hadn't any confirmed plans, but Lionel says he definitely wants to get sloshed! who doesn't? tsk... all i know is, "No Night Train for me, Lionel!!"

Fairul's back!!! going to meet up at SS2 mamak later -- with Gary & Lionel too. Mal's going to meet Fairul for the first time. They've exchanged sms' a few times while in NZ but that was about it. I don't know why i'm so excited about Fairul being back...

tomorrow's back to work - the UTM corp video's been confirmed. got a meeting at 10am at the KL Campus, then it's off to Lorraine's for lunch. James just sms'd me saying she's back from Hong Kong. ooh... then i've dinner at Felicia's (Mal's VHQ colleague)...

now, what's the season without all these food and catching up with friends... n_n