Thursday, October 03, 2002

got back from the party about almost two hours ago. and i think i'm still a lil high from all that JD coke. the last one i had was pretty potent. didn't seem to see straight. and Trina thought i was flushed. either she couldn't tell i was wearing make-up or something, cos Stephen said i looked fine. heh.

Stephen was my 'date' for the night. i had asked Sagau last week, but he said no. it would be pushing it too much anyway if i did go with Sagau, especially after that wife incident. i asked Stephen pretty last minute - online too! hahah.. saw Lianna on MSN and she asked me if i was going tonite. i did want to go... for some reason. but not alone. so when Stephen msg'd me on Yahoo - hahahah... u'd think i was picking someone out of a hat! lol... i did go through my phonebook tho. =P

but the party wasn't half as bad. heh. maybe cos i know i don't have to go back to the office the next day and listen to all that estrogen chatter. i tell you, these people seem to look like i've given them something to feed on bringing Stephen along. gawd! how much more superficial can they get? Stephen did ask me how come i couldn't go alone. i just couldn't. i could. i know i can. maybe i just need a sanity point. heh. and sitting ard the whole night with Dino, wasn't how i wanted to see myself tonite. not after feeling like i've drank one whisky too many. @/@

talked a bit to Ben - my 'date' in the Anuar Zain music video - after i saw Trina looking at me and mouthing, "come over and say hi." gee... Ben's sweet anyhow. heheheheh... then later had Peter, the guy who edited the last version of the music video chat Stephen and I up. pretty interesting evening overall.

enough for all this social hoo-haa. it's time for me to get to work... gotta rush a draft script for tomorrow. otherwise, its no dough.


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