i wonder how much inspiration a writer can get from sitting at a cafe like this. >_< i've been here since 3pm (spent two hours just trying to config this bloody wi-fi thing). and it's getting noisier. i actually heard someone walk by and say "she's still here." tsk... i think i should find a less conspicuous spot next time. except that this is the only (non-smoking) spot with a power-point connection! yea... i'm such a leecher! =P
chocolate wookie(22:49 PM) :
i wonder how much inspiration you can derive from just sitting in such a noisy cafe.
Morpheuse(22:50 PM) :
heaps...i used to have a game i like to play...take a person of the street, study his/her behaviour, and give them a backstory..
chocolate wookie(22:53 PM) :
ahh... like creating a character for the person.
chocolate wookie(22:53 PM) :
i dont think i can do that today.. hung over frm the coffee now... @_@
Morpheuse(22:53 PM) :
yeah..and it works even better with a newspaper...
chocolate wookie(22:53 PM) :
Morpheuse(22:54 PM) :
HAHAHAHAHA! h/o frm coffee?
i'll petition for coffee to be sold under addictive and dangerous substance products act...
Morpheuse(22:55 PM) :
newspaper...u try linking a few stories together...then link that story with a person u just see..=D
chocolate wookie(22:55 PM) :
yea... with coffee, i react just like a drunk person.
Morpheuse(22:55 PM) :
like..a murder here...then a missing briefcase report...and u see a smart dressed men walking with a limp...
chocolate wookie(22:55 PM) :
hahahha.. okay.. link a news headline to the person on the street.
Morpheuse(22:56 PM) :
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