Friday, January 04, 2002

*giggle* what a laugh... i figured that most men are little boys, but i never thought i'd see two of them so squemish! lol!
my mum got back from Manila last night and brought home a dozen of the infamous "balut" - which is a Filipino delicacy of a chicken or duck egg boiled after its been 80% formed inside the egg. heheheh... sounds disgusting huh?
anyway, i got Gary to eat one last nite. and man, was he speechless and squirmy!!! LoL! he said it tastes like essence of chicken, which he doesn't like! then, today i brought one to work to give Ken. he was practically holding it away from himself the moment i told him what it was! and yes, he was pretty squirmish as well... hahah... i was so bemused at his reaction! i wonder if he's going to take it home and eat it... heh... i know after eating one without looking (the more you look the more you're disgusted), Gary got my dad to show him the parts of the formed duck...

hahahaha... some fun! and insane! i thought the Chinese would eat anything?! insects, frogs, dogs... and they wouldn't even eat a duck in an egg!!! hahahahahah....


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